Cut Flowers
Flowers are available for u-pick August through September. (Sometimes Mother Nature extends our season into the first half of October which we post on the Welcome page of the website).
Bouquets are $9 for all you can fit in an eight-inch twist tie (up to 25 stems). Baskets, snips and twist ties are provided.
Flowers are a source of joy, pure and simple. We grow over seventy certified organic cottage garden ornamentals, herbs, and edibles selected for their aesthetic charm, grace, and whimsy, with a full spectrum of vibrant and delicate hues.
Farm favorites:
Amaranth, Bells of Ireland, Calendula, Dahlias, Dill, Licorice Mint, Nigella, Scabiosa, Statice, Strawflower, Sunflowers, Sweet Peas, Yarrow, Zinnias. Dahlias are the feature of our cutting garden ~ over thirty types, shapes, sizes and colors for casual and formal occasions.
In addition to our tried-and-trues, we introduce new varieties every season to keep it interesting!
We source seeds and tubers from our own fields and select certified organic suppliers.

Bring grace to the garden.
Planting Dahlia Tubers
Dahlias need full sun and well-draining soil.
Plant tubers in spring after danger of frost.
Dahlias bloom 75-90 days after planting.
Plant tubers 4-6" deep and 12-18" apart.
Mix a handful of bone meal in each hole.
Place tuber horizontally; eye pointing up.
Don't water at planting; wait until it sprouts.
Pinch out the center shoot at 12-16" height.
Enjoy continuous bloom until hard frost.

Wilderbee bouquet. Photo courtesy of MJ Photography
Wedding U-Pick
Invite family and friends for a wedding flower u-pick August through September.
Bring buckets for bulk picking or vases to arrange bouquets at the farm. We offer special pricing ~ for every 5 bouquets at the regular price, the 6th bouquet is free.
Contact us for details & reserve your date.
(360) 379-2434
Email: farmgeeks@wilderbeefarm.com
Please note:
All reservations must be made directly with us; not through a floral designer or wedding planner.

Wilderbee lavender. Photo courtesy of Jenleelight